Fire School of Evangelism 3 Day Intensive

The Fire School 3 day intensive is designed to train and equip participants how to win people to Jesus through the power of The Holy Spirit! This is an interactive, hands on intensive where operating in the gifts of the Spirit, healing, deliverance, and spiritual warfare are not only taught but demonstrated and practiced!

The Scripture outlines the role of people in the five fold ministry:

And he has appointed some with grace to be apostles, and some with grace to be prophets, and some with grace to be evangelists, and some with grace to be pastors, and some with grace to be teachers. And their calling is to nurture and prepare all the holy believers to do their own works of ministry, and as they do this they will enlarge and build up the body of Christ. 

Ephesians 4:11-12 The Passion Translation

Typically a Fire School 3 Day Intensive is held on a Friday through Sunday.

The days consist of the following: 

AM Training 9am-11am

First session is dedicated to Identity training. In order to be confident and bold at operating in the power of the Holy Spirit a believer must know who they are in Christ and what belongs to them! 

AM Training 11am-11:30am

Each training is followed by a time for Q&A. Throughout all trainings participants are encouraged to ask questions for further clarification. Fire School is an interactive experience! 

Lunch Break 11:30am-1:00pm

PM Training 1:00pm-3:00pm

Second session is a training on our Authority in Christ and The Kingdom of Heaven. Knowing your identity, who He says you are, and knowing what authority has been delegated to you as a result are the foundations of walking in a supernatural lifestyle!

You will also get revelation into the Kingdom of Heaven. How Jesus preached a Kingdom message and He demonstrated Kingdom power through signs, wonders, and miracles to authenticate His message and prove He was sent from the Father.

During this training we will begin to demonstrate how to exercise Kingdom Authority and Power over sin, sickness, the world and the devil! 

Break 3:00pm-6:00pm

During the evening break participants will go out and do ministry by putting into practice everything they have learned and practiced in session. 

PM Training 6:00pm-8:00pm

Third session starts with a time of testimony and Q&A to help build faith and confidence and fine tune the process of making the supernatural practical. This is followed with training and impartation, baptism of the Holy Spirit, and ministering to each other. 


The format is repeated with the following topics covered as the Holy Spirit leads:

The Presence of God:

In this training you will receive wisdom and insight into both the omnipresence and the manifest presence of God. You will be equipped to usher in the manifest presence of God to transform spiritual atmospheres that you enter, and how the manifest presence of God produces mass Evangelism as well as manifestations of The Kingdom of Heaven. 

Making Disciples Jesus’s Way:

Jesus commanded us to “Go and make disciples.” In this training you will discover the difference between Jesus’s methods of discipleship and the modern, Western churches methods of making disciples. Discover how Jesus was focused on not only teaching but demonstrations on how to live the lifestyle of a disciple. 

The Fire of The Holy Spirit:

In this training you will be consumed with the fire and passion of The Holy Spirit. Discover how the power and fire of The Holy Spirit are inseparable and how to fan the flames of passion for God and people. How the Fire of God consumes the sacrifices offered to Him, and how the Fire of God purifies vessels for His use. You will learn how to be a living sacrifice consumed with the agenda of Heaven on the earth. How our motives and works will be tested with the Fire of The Holy Spirit and how He refines our character so we can see greater manifestations of power in our lives to reach people. 


Discover how signs-wonders-miracles were the hallmark of Jesus’s ministry, validating His authority and message as well as proving the authenticity of His assignment. How these same signs-wonders, miracles authenticate the continuation of Jesus ministry on the earth today through His disciples. You will learn how to allow the Holy Spirit to perform signs-wonders-miracles through you and live as a conduit of Heaven on the earth. 

Your Story His Story:

In this training you will see how effective and powerful the sharing of your story is in winning the lost to Jesus Christ. Learn practical ways to start conversations with strangers and share how His story changed your story and how it can change theirs also. 

Power Encounters:

In this training you will be equipped for spiritual warfare to destroy the works of the devil. Discover heavens battle plan where there is no surrender or retreat. Learn how to pre-empt the attacks of the enemy and live a life on offense. Become proficient in Gods weapons of mass destruction and how to use them to cause mass casualties to the forces of darkness. Also learn how to defeat the Third Column the enemy within and give no foothold to the enemy. 

Healing The Sick:

In this training you will discover how healing was the primary manifestation of The Kingdom in Jesus’s ministry. Healing was also a command when He sent out His disciples into the mission field. You will learn how it is Gods will for healing for every person on the earth and how every believer has the power to heal dwelling inside them. Also learn how doubt and unbelief are the main hindrances to the manifestation of healing, and how to build your faith for healing in your life and the lives of others. 

Deliverance From The Demonic:

In this training you will learn about your advisory Satan and his tactics and manifestations. How to discern when sickness is sourced in a spirit of infirmity. Also learn the rank and classes of demons. The difference between being demonized and possessed. And gain a Biblical foundation and perspective of deliverance and debunk all the myths surrounding demons. You will also learn how Satans main weapon is fear and how you can destroy fear in your life. 


Sunday we will have normal service times but they will be healing and deliverance services as well as testimonials to encourage the church congregation to take the church beyond the 4 walls and reach their city with the Gospel!

After morning services we will resume the same format ending with an evening session open to the public. Fire School is a Spirit lead ministry training that is flexible yet structured to meet the needs of the church we are serving. Our mission and goal is to see churches explode with growth and reach their cities with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!